Climate & biodiversity boost for community funding
QLDC's Resilience and Climate Action team contributes a whopping $200k to help support the ongoing delivery of community-led programmes. See below for full list of recipients.
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As part of our Climate & Biodiversity Plan, we’re committed to supporting and partnering with local organisations who are leading the way with climate action, biodiversity restoration, and building community resilience.
With such a broad range of local organisations undertaking this mahi, the Resilience and Climate Action team have invested the extra funding to help support the ongoing delivery of the below community-led programmes.
This funding boost is part of QLDC's Community Fund, which supports community groups and not-for-profits across the district. The overall fund plays a vital role in backing initiatives that align with the district's Climate & Biodiversity Plan and community wellbeing outcomes.
Recipients include:
Te Tapu o Tāne $40,000 Case Study to understand the rehabilitation of Waiwhakaata, highlighting environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts. Tucker Beach Wildlife Trust $5,000 Restoring and protecting the blue-green corridor of the lower Shotover River. Food For Love $5,000 Providing essential support to people living in the Upper Clutha community during unexpected times of need. Grow Wānaka Community Garden $5,000 General support for operational costs. KiwiHarvest $15,000 General support for operational costs. Mana Tāhuna Charitable Trust $20,000 General support for operational coasts and community outreach. Wao Aotearoa $20,000 General support for operational costs. Queenstown Harvest Community Gardens $5,000 General support for operational costs and project funding. WAI Wānaka $20,000 Operational funding to support key programmes in education, training, and collaboration. Sustainable Glenorchy $10,000 Operational funding will pay for collection of organic waste. Whakatipu Wildlife Trust $20,000 General support for operational costs. Te Kākano Aotearoa Trust $15,000 Operational costs for running a community-based nursery. Whakatipu Reforestation Trust $10,000
General support for operational costs. Glenorchy Community Association $5,000 Funding for a nursery coordinator and towards improvements to the Glenorchy pool.
Baskets of Blessing Charitable Trust $5,000 Funding to support purchase of food and storage equipment.