Our Plan
Tā mātou mahere
In 2019 we declared a climate and ecological emergency. We are tackling emissions reduction, climate change adaptation, and biodiversity restoration in an integrated and holistic way.
The mauri (life force or essence) of our ecosystems is protected and restored. Indigenous biodiversity is regenerated.
Deafening dawn chorus
Queenstown Lakes is a place that is ready and prepared to adapt to a changing climate.
Disaster defying resilience
Our district reduces its greenhouse gas emissions by 44% by 2030 and achieves net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Zero carbon communities
Climate and Biodiversity Plan Details
Our Goals
Our Climate and Biodiversity Plan has 3 goals: Biodiversity, Adaptation and Mitigation. These goals align with our Council's vision beyond 2050 outcomes.
Read MoreOur Actions
Reducing carbon emissions, adapting to a changing climate, and restoring indigenous biodiversity should not be approached separately. That's why we have taken an integrated approach with our actions split out over six different outcomes.
Read MoreMeasuring Progress
We need to be able to track and measure our progress. That's why we have developed an indicators framework to monitor progress toward the six outcomes defined in the Climate and Biodiversity Plan.
Read moreHow was the Plan Developed
We began developing the plan in April 2021. It has involved extensive engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, particularly when we looked at prioritisation of actions and ideas.
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