Mapping the district’s pre-human wildlife
With funding help from QLDC’s Resilience and Climate Action office, Southern Lakes Sanctuary and Wildlands Consultants have created an impressive interactive map of the district’s wildlife species that were common before human arrival and the introduction of invasive predators such as possums, stoats, and feral cats.
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It shows that in the pre-people days, tuatara, takahē and kōkako would have been roaming where our towns are now situated.
Of particular benefit, the geographic information system map shows what optimal biodiversity could look like, which can help the district’s conservation groups further align activities toward clearer common goals.
The map is free to the public and can be found on QLDC’s spatial data hub. Scroll down to Southern Lakes Sanctuary Potential Ecosystems Mapping.
Screenshot of Southern Lakes Sanctuary’s Potential Ecosystems Mapping housed on QLDC’s spatial data hub.