Kāi Tahu
Our partnership with Kāi Tahu underpins the Climate and Biodiversity Plan and has strengthened over the past three years through the shared development of the Grow Well | Whaiora Spatial Plan. Building on this partnership, the Climate and Biodiversity Plan has also been informed by Climate Reference Group. This group included representation from Aukaha and Te Ao Mārama Incorporated, who provided Kai Tahu Matauraka and the specific aspirations of the 7 Papatipu Runaka that have shared interests in the Queenstown Lakes region.
Kāi Tahu
Our partnership with Kāi Tahu is foundational to this plan.
Over the past three years our partnership with Kāi Tahu has been strengthened through the shared development of the Grow Well | Whaiora Spatial Plan. Building on this partnership, the Climate and Biodiversity Plan has been informed by Climate Reference Group representation from Aukaha and Te Ao Mārama on behalf of Kāi Tahu. It is also strongly aligned with the Kāi Tahu Values Framework from the Spatial Plan.
Kāi Tahu values framework
Value Description Application Whanaukataka Family and community focused Ensuring consideration of the social implications of decisions to enable community and whānau connections and growth. Manaakitaka Hospitality Demonstrating behaviour that acknowledges others, through the expression of aroha, hospitality, generosity and mutual respect. Rakatirataka Leadership Ensuring the treaty partnership is recognised to enable mana whenua leadership in decision making processes. Haere whakamua Future focused Adopting a forward looking orientation with future generations in mind. Tikaka Appropriate action Ensuring consideration of the appropriateness of decisions that will have a bearing on social, economic, environmental and cultural outcomes. Kaitiakitaka Stewardship Enabling the inherited responsibility of mana whenua to support and protect people, the environment, knowledge, culture, language and resources on behalf of future generations. Mauri Life force Recognising the life force in all lands, waters and the natural environment that stems from time immemorial, requiring a high duty of care for kaitiaki (and others) to maintain an intact and healthy mauri, ensuring that what is gifted from the Atua is not neglected. -
The Kāi Tahu climate change strategy, He Rautaki mō te Huringa Āhua o Te Rangi, speaks to creating a legacy for those whānau to come in response to the effects of climate change. We share Kāi Tahu’s aspiration to secure the best possible future for us and our children after us. The Council stands beside Kāi Tahu in the belief that amid change and loss there is also hope, and opportunities to thrive.