Evelyn Cook
CRG Member
Evelyn is the new representative from Te Ao Mārama Inc which represents Kāi Tahu ki Murihiku for resource management and local government purposes. Te Ao Mārama is made up of representatives of the four Murihiku rūnanga – Awarua, Hokonui, Ōraka Aparima and Waihōpai, and works with the area’s regional, district and city councils. The four Murihiku rūnanga are part of the 18 Papatipu Rūnanga of Te Rūnanga o Kai Tahu.
"There has probably never been a more urgent need to plan for the impacts of foreseeable change. We are tasked with not only long-term planning for the future but acting now with an awareness of past climate change impacts to guide and challenge us. It is not just for us but the mokopuna of our mokopuna."