Impacts & Challenges
Ngā pānga me ngā wero
Climate change will significantly impact our district’s climate, our environment, and our way of life. This isn’t something we can address alone – nearly every challenge we face will require a team effort from everyone in the district.
Climate Impacts
We are likely to see more extreme rainfall and increased risk of landslides, flooding, erosion, heatwaves, and wildfire. Rain that would previously have fallen as snow will fall more often as rain and spring snowmelt may occur earlier in the season. We will also see changes to our native flora and fauna, and the types of pest and crop diseases. Which crops can be grown will also be affected.
Flora and Fauna
Rising temperatures may extend the breeding season of predators, like possums, which will in turn threaten our native birds. We’re likely to see more heat stress from heatwaves affecting plant and animal health.
Weather Patterns
By 2100, on average, there will be up to 60 more ‘summer days’ each year, with temperatures reaching above 25°C. Winter’s highest daily maximum temperatures will increase by 5-7°C depending on location. As climate change impacts upon other regions, we may see inward migration into our district.
Climate challenges
Comparatively, life in Aotearoa New Zealand could be far preferable for many global citizens, so it is likely that we will see an increase in migration to our country, and our district. Responding to climate change isn’t always easy. We know that our community wants to see leadership from Council. This isn’t something we can do alone – nearly every challenge we face will require a team effort from everyone in the district.