Outcome Five: Business
Low-emission businesses thrive | Ka ora ai kā pakihi tukuwaro-iti
2022-2025Year of deliveryAdaptationMitigationBiodiversity and sequestrationOur tourism system is regenerative by 20305.1
Partner with the Regional Tourism Operators to create a Destination Management Plan to achieve regenerative tourism by 2030. The plan takes a whole of system approach and includes:
- Partnership with Kāi Tahu.
- Emissions and waste reduction initiatives and measures across the visitor economy.
- Capability building programmes for businesses, community, and the workforce.
- A marketing model that attracts values-based visitors.
- Visitor mode shift from private vehicles to public and active transport.
- Tools to help visitors to give back e.g. to biodiversity enhancing initiatives.
- Effective targets, data, and monitoring.
- Strong community engagement.
24 February 2025The Queenstown Lakes' Destination Management plan, "Travel to a thriving future" was launched in Feb 2022 and aims to achieve regenerative tourism and a carbon zero visitor economy by 2030. QLDC is a key partner of the plan and it involved inputs from the Resilience & Climate Action team as well as a wide range of business and community stakeholders. Further information can be found here: https://www.queenstownnz.co.nz/regenerative-tourism-2030
Implement the actions outlined in the Destination Management Plan.
24 February 2025Council is working with Destination Queenstown, Lake Wānaka Tourism on the delivery of projects within the DMP. Recent progress updates include:
> Project 9 – Carbon Zero by 2030- Multiple meetings to discuss alignment opportunities between QLDC Climate & Biodiversity Plan and DMP. This will help improve clarity over how the two work programs can be better integrated to leverage each other’s resources and technical data and open up opportunities for improved planning and joint communications. It will also mitigate the risk of parallel programmes being launched.
> Project 13 – Direct Funding for Infrastructure – workshops held with staff and Councilors in anticipation of offer of Regional Deal. Includes options for more equitable sharing of tourism related costs.
> Project 17 – Thriving workforce programme - supported workforce development project to improve professional development (led by Queenstown Chamber of Commerce). Includes trialing of https://www.actvo.ai/ with a pilot group of employers.
> Project 18 - Emergency and climate adaptation preparedness – Meeting conducted with QLDC, Emergency Management Otago and DQ teams to discuss the status of Alpine Fault (AF8) planning and how local efforts will be coordinated around visitor and foreign national support and evacuation. Opportunities around joint planning for the Visitor & Foreign National Hub, public information and information sharing with the accommodation sector were discussed.
> Project 19 – Innovation and Economic Development - Host-tech cluster RFP put out for facilitation through to June 2026, planning underway for Host-tech event May 2025. Brokering local tourism businesses to test new technologies (e.g. QRC trialing Venu).2023-2025We support businesses to transition to a low emission future5.3
Develop a Diversification Plan that includes climate action as a key principle.
24 February 2025The Queenstown Lakes Draft Economic Diversification Plan "New pathways to a thriving future" has been approved by Council and the Economic Futures team are now focused on delivery. The goal for the plan is “A resilient and sustainable economy offering a diverse range of career and income opportunities by 2050”, which intersects strongly with the goals of the Climate & Biodiversity Plan.
Amplify and support programmes to assist businesses to be energy efficient, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and water use.
24 February 2025QLDC is working with a variety of partners to support and amplified education and change programs to help local businesses reduce their environmental impact. This includes initiatives to deliver energy efficiency assessments, reduce energy consumption and measure greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, waste reduction workshops and consultations on water-saving practices have been provided directly to business and through collaboration with local sustainability organisations.
Develop a sustainability plan template with guidelines for event organisers and embed this into the processes for QLDC’s event approval and funding.
27 February 2025The Event Waste and Emissions Reduction Guide and Toolkit is now available on QLDC’s website and provides templates, checklists, top tips and supporting resources to help event organisers reduce their event’s impacts:
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