Victoria Crockford CRG member

  • Vic Crockford
  • Victoria has a diverse professional background, working across the housing, energy, social enterprise, and screen sectors for not-for-profits, large corporates and start-ups in communications, government relations, and executive leadership. Her most recent role was advocating for the right to a decent home for all as CEO of Community Housing Aotearoa-Ngā Wharerau o Aotearoa, the national peak body for the community housing sector. Her work across our housing, electricity, and transport systems means she is well-placed to understand the connected challenges of decarbonising and preserving and enhancing a flourishing natural environment. 

    “Connecting the dots on the challenges and opportunities our climate change response asks of has been a driving force in my professional and personal life. With a geography degree under my belt, I have long connected to Te Taio, the natural world and feel privileged to live in a place so blessed with natural wonders. Working to create a future in which my kids can thrive as locals here is my main 'why' for being a part of the Climate Reference Group. It is my hope and commitment that my lenses of mother, strategist, and communications and government relations expert and my lived experience of disability will bring useful contributions to the table.”

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