Climate Reference Group
Rōpū Mātanga Āhuarangi
QLDC’s independent Climate Reference Group is made up of community leaders and climate experts who provide advice to Council.
About the Climate Reference Group
QLDC’s independent Climate Reference Group (CRG) is a multidisciplinary group made up of community leaders and climate experts that advises Council on climate and biodiversity actions.
The group consists of stakeholders, experts, community representatives, and individuals with knowledge in climate science, sustainability and environmental matters.
The CRG has been instrumental in delivering projects, embedding climate action into Council planning, and developing our Climate and Biodiversity Plan 2022-25. The CRG provides advice, recommendations, and expertise to QLDC on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience strategies.
Meet the Members
Dr Leslie Van Gelder
CRG ChairpersonDr. Leslie Van Gelder is an archaeologist, strategist, and Professor of Education at Walden University.
Dr Chris Cameron
CRG memberChris has represented Aotearoa New Zealand at United Nations climate change negotiations and is recognised as a pioneer in climate adaptation.
Dr Lyn Carter
CRG memberDr Lyn Carter is the Otago mana whenua representative on the Climate Reference Group and her whakapapa is to Kati Huirapa Runaka ki Puketeraki and Awarua Runaka.
Evelyn Cook
CRG MemberEvelyn is the representative from Te Ao Mārama Inc which represents Kāi Tahu ki Murihiku for resource management and local government purposes.
Victoria Crockford
CRG memberVictoria has a diverse professional background, working across the housing, energy, social enterprise, and screen sectors for not-for-profits, large corporates and start-ups in communications, government relations, and executive leadership.
Tony Pfeiffer
CRG member and Upper Clutha Community LeaderTony has more than 35 years’ business experience and currently he is General Manager of Wastebusters based in Wanaka, where he manages a large team of over 60 full and part time staff working across the Wanaka and Alexandra Zero Waste education and resource recovery sites.
Dr. Jim Salinger
CRG memberDr Jim Salinger is a climate scientist of international repute, the first to uncover climate warming in New Zealand region in the 1970s.
Alec Tang
CRG member and Climate Action in Government ExpertAlec is a Chartered Environmentalist and Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, who has focused his career on addressing the breadth of sustainability challenges and opportunities that are increasingly shaping our communities, society and economy.
Sydney Telfer
CRG memberSydney is an evolving expert in climate risk management. She is proficient in developing and working with stakeholders to analyse climate-related scenarios to understand the risks and opportunities climate change presents.
Eleanor Trueman
CRG memberAs a carbon management enthusiast, Eleanor helps empower clients to measure, manage and reduce carbon, and most importantly, understand carbon.